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Matthew T. Hora with Ross J. Benbow and Amanda K. Oleson
How can educators ensure that young people who attain a postsecondary credential are adequately prepared for the future? Matthew T. Hora and his colleagues explain that the answer is not simply that students need more specialized technical training to meet narrowly defined employment opportunities. Beyond the Skills Gap challenges this conception of the “skills gap,” highlighting instead the value of broader twenty-first-century skills in postsecondary education. They advocate for a system in which employers share responsibility along with the education sector to serve the collective needs of the economy, society, and students.
A New U
Ryan Craig
Every year, the cost of a four-year degree goes up, and the value goes down. But for many students, there’s a better answer. In A New U: Faster + Cheaper Alternatives to College, Ryan Craig documents the early days of a revolution that will transform—or make obsolete—many colleges and universities. Alternative routes to great first jobs that do not involve a bachelor’s degree are sprouting up all over the place. Bootcamps, income-share programs, apprenticeships, and staffing models are attractive alternatives to great jobs in numerous growing sectors of the economy: coding, healthcare, sales, digital marketing, finance and accounting, insurance, and data analytics.
Joseph E. Aoun
How to educate the next generation of college students to invent, to create, and to discover—filling needs that even the most sophisticated robot cannot.
The Job
Ellen Ruppel Shell
Through exhaustive reporting and keen analysis, The Job reveals the startling truths and unveils the pervasive myths that have colored our thinking on one of the most urgent issues of our day: how to build good work in a globalized and digitalized world where middle class jobs seem to be slipping away. Traveling from deep in Appalachia to the heart of the Midwestern rust belt, from a struggling custom clothing maker in Massachusetts to a thriving co-working center in Minnesota, she marshals evidence from a wide range of disciplines to show how our educational system, our politics, and our very sense of self have been held captive to and distorted by outdated notions of what it means to get and keep a good job. We read stories of sausage makers, firefighters, zookeepers, hospital cleaners; we hear from economists, computer scientists, psychologists, and historians. The book's four sections take us from the challenges we face in scoring a good job today to work's infinite possibilities in the future. Work, in all its richness, complexity, rewards and pain, is essential for people to flourish. Ellen Ruppel Shell paints a compelling portrait of where we stand today, and points to a promising and hopeful way forward.
Brave New Work
Aaron Dignan
Whether you lead a team of ten or ten thousand, improving your operating system is the single most powerful thing you can do. The only question is, are you ready?
The New Geography of Jobs
Enrico Moretti
Enrico Moretti’s groundbreaking research shows that you don’t have to be a scientist or an engineer to thrive in one of the brain hubs. Carpenters, taxi-drivers, teachers, nurses, and other local service jobs are created at a ratio of five-to-one in the brain hubs, raising salaries and standard of living for all. Dealing with this split—supporting growth in the hubs while arresting the decline elsewhere—is the challenge of the century, and The New Geography of Jobs lights the way.
The Successful Internship
Sweitzer & King
The Successful Internship focuses on the internship as a vehicle for personal, professional and civic development. It addresses the concerns, emotions, needs and unique personal challenges that are the essence of an internship or field experience. The authors detail the path on which students will embark and the challenges they'll face along the way--providing clear, concrete tools that build the foundation for students' successful field/practicum experience. The text's four-stage model of the internship process--anticipation, exploration, competence and culmination--organizes the material into a meaningful framework that helps students understand the work they will be doing.
Community-Based Global Learning
Hartman et al
International education, service-learning, and community-based global learning programs are robust with potential. They can positively impact communities, grow civil society networks, and have transformative effects for students who become more globally aware and more engaged in global civil society – at home and abroad. Yet such programs are also packed with peril. Clear evidence indicates that poor forms of such programming have negative impacts on vulnerable persons, including medical patients and children, while cementing stereotypes and reinforcing patterns of privilege and exclusion. These dangers can be mitigated, however, through collaborative planning, design, and evaluation that advances mutually beneficial community partnerships, critically reflective practice, thoughtful facilitation, and creative use of resources.
Strengthening Experiential Education: A New Era
Gary Hesser
There has been a “sea change” in higher education since the 1986 edition was published. NSEE contributed to and has benefitted immensely from those changes. And one corollary or consequence of this profound change is that experiential education professionals will be more effective in institutionalizing experiential education in their respective institutions and K-16 education overall if we exploit the resources and legitimating entities that currently exist and are emerging every day. Very few of us in 1986 were bold enough to predict the prominent place that experiential education would assume throughout the K-16 enterprise. Put simply, high impact learning practices, civic engagement, community-based learning and research, and classroom engagement are the new mantras in K-16 education. Experiential education has, indeed, moved to center stage. We are certainly in a new era, one requiring competent experiential education professionals “now more than ever”.
The Guide to Successful Short-Term Programs Abroad
Chiefo and Spaeth
This Guide is designed as a practical guide for practitioners who direct and administer short-term programs, the book was edited by two experts with considerable experience in the field, Sarah El Spencer, from the University of St Thomas, and Kathy Tuma, from St. Olaf College, with sixteen other professionals contributing. The book recognizes that short-term programs abroad differ from other traditional models and acknowledges that, within higher education, the definition of short-term programs abroad has changed significantly over the last fifty years. Anyone-education abroad professionals, teachers in secondary or higher education, volunteer or church group leaders- can use the tools provided in the book to build successful short-term programs tailored to their own institutions.
International Internships: Mission Methods and Models
Berquist, Milano and Moore
Each year the Global Internship Conference gathers various stakeholders from the international education field and this book brings the discussion, debate, and dialogue to you. We begin with a scan of global internships as an expanding and evolving field then provide a foundational chapter describing transformative learning and defining a high-quality internship. Sixteen subsequent chapters are organized by themes of mission, methods, and models. Mission focuses on why administrators, employers, and faculty are committed to this work. Methods contains a toolkit of different approaches and best practices for internship program design. Models ties it all together with case studies of actual programs, relating their successes and challenges. The authors share a wealth of experience developing and delivering global internship programs. They represent the range of discussion at the Global Internship Conference and provide real lessons learned and guidance for those working with or considering developing international internships. We hope that readers well-versed in international internships will find inspiration and new ideas and that those considering establishing international internship offerings will find guidance and encouragement.