The GCC Placement Team is in the midst of reviewing student profiles, connecting with potential supervisors, and matching opportunities to interns for a busy summer ahead.
Summer will soon be here and if you are interested in an intern, let us know via the short interest form linked here.
Looking for recommendations about developing, structuring, and supporting a productive and positive internship? A few of our top tips for supervisors follow.
Identify a project that has clear deliverables and demonstrates impact to the work you are doing. Interns are keen to contribute and sharing relevant context helps both of you link the experience with a bigger picture. Don’t forget to schedule key milestones and regular feedback for review and revision along the way…no need to wait until that final presentation to celebrate shared success.
Review place for internship, especially given the changing world of work. The mix of onsite, online, and hybrid placements does allow for increased flexibility. New environments can also help students increase applied learning dramatically while developing valuable career skills. Particularly if yours is a remote first environment, consider access to a coworking community or connection with a client’s office or conference attendance to enhance the student experience.
Begin thinking about people and organizations it will be helpful to connect your intern with for the project ahead as well as their ongoing professional development and career exploration. Consider colleagues within your office, local networking groups, skills-based trainings, trade publications, and industry associations that will be useful resources for the summer and beyond.
Consider payment options for your student. Especially for short-term international internships, there are local considerations and can be legal limitations. While the focus of the internship is on providing a practical, professional experience linked to academic study, potential additional forms of compensation – or opportunities to express gratitude – can include transportation passes, lunch stipends, organizational memberships, tickets to local events, or supplemental trainings.
 At Global Career Center (GCC), we welcome the opportunity to help you develop, structure, and support positive and productive internships. Do submit the short interest form linked here.
GCC partners with universities from around the world to develop and deliver internship programs across the globe. Programs take place throughout the year (although the Northern Hemisphere summer is typically our busiest time) and interns represent a wide range of industry areas, professional skills, and experience levels.
Reach out via to learn more.